Paul D. Sisson
A Message from Paul
I am amazed at what God has done in my life of 71 years. My desire for you is to find the true purpose of your life in Christ. The realization of fulfilled goals that lay before us are God’s victories yet to be revealed. “To the Work, To the Work, we are servants of God”. May a joyful song ring out in serving Jesus today!
My Story
My sister Patty and I were baptized into Christ on Easter Sunday when I was 13 years old. My young life was formed by the love of the Church membership who ignited a spiritual desire within me to always serve Christ.
I graduated from Rapid City Central High School in 1969. The following year at the urging of my father I attended college at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City. There I studied Civil Engineering for one year and realized that this is not what I wanted to do. My home Church continued to encourage me to go to Bible College. It was a hard meeting informing my father that I wanted to prepare for the ministry and felt God’s calling on my life. He informed me that he would not help
me and I would be on my own. That fall I loaded my old car and drove to Huron, SD to attend Dakota Bible College for the next 4 years. My home church paid for every semester for all four years until I graduated with a Degree in Sacred Literature. While in Bible College I married, Janice Dietz, the love of my life and partner in ministry for 48 years until her death from cancer at Christmas time in 1999. God blessed us with two children, Jennifer and Bryan.
Jennifer lives in Lewisville, TX. She and her husband Chris have two grown children Lydia and Titus. Jennifer is the principle 2nd Violinist with the Allen, TX Philharmonic Symphony. She also has a private studio teaching violin and viola.
Bryan lives in Galveston, TX and is both a published writer and Anthropologist. He specializes in Egyptian History and has made several trips to the Middle East. While spending one summer in Jordan he worked on an archeological dig and was able to recover a piece of clay pottery that bore the insignia of the Kings Potter at the time of Ruth. The Jordanians were very excited and have placed Bryan’s find in their Museum of Antiquities and noted as found by Bryan D. Sisson.
Through the windows of family life there have been many challenges. However the dedication to family has never wavered from our desire to lift up Christ. I am a proud father and blessed for the gifts that He has given to my wife Janice and I. Now I gaze alone through the window of more dreams yet to be realized in serving Christ.